Urban Legends (Expense on 26th October) | 社会人2年目のふところ事情+日記 ~貯金体質目指して~

Urban Legends (Expense on 26th October)

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In the English class I talked about having been to the Tokyo Disney Sea on last Friday.
At first I explained the reason I could go on such a weekday. The reason was very simple. That day was the anniversary of my company, so that I was given afternoon holiday.
Next, I explained the reason my friend and I decided to go there and I told this was the first time for me to go there.
Then I explained how crowed there was. To explain the level of crowed I gave an example about waiting time to get ride on the gondola. My teacher was surprised at the length. And I said I was doubting almost of all the family in my company was coming as a jest.
I told him how enjoyed, what was interesting, when we left, what I used to go home and so on.

The most heated thing in this talk was about an urban legend I heared from my friend. It is that there is only one Mickey Mouse at the same in the world. In other ward, if there exits a Mickey Mouse in front of you, there is no Mickey Mouse in front of all the visiters of all the Disney Parks all over the world. There is no evidence and I don't believe. If the urban legend was talked about one park, that is the effect was limited to one park, I would believe and I want it is true. But I think it is very very interesting if it is true.